Textbook for the German Renaissance Bagpipe - Vol. 3

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ATTENTION! This book is in German!

Vol.3: "Melodien im anderen Licht" - 25 tunes that can be played on the Huemmelchen, every tune in four versions from easy to difficult, with variations of the original melody. All in all 100 variants of different degrees of difficulty! All dividing and an embellishment notes are clearly marked as such.

120 pages of melodies for beginners ans advanced players, only for the Hummelchen with lowest key C/d. Completely playable with a tone range of only a ninth.


Ai vis lo lop / Bärentanz /  Bignan Andro / Bourée des Dindes / New Drops Of Brandy / Nobody's Jig / O'er The Dyke / Platerspil / Rabenballade / Scottish à Virmoux / Seibiser Walzer / Skudrinka / Stella Splendens / The Dark Island / Totentanz / Ungaresca / Welscher Weibertanz

This volume completes the other two: after a range of techniques and embellishments have been learnt, now the topic is how to arrange a tune with these tools and so to create a performance with more variety, more expression, and overall more interesting. The variations that build upon each other make this much more than a simple collection of tunes! Furthermore this book is lavishly designed and bound in hardcover including a bookmark. The bold weight  of 600 grams speaks for itself!

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